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#1 18-02-2021 17:47:59

Здесь с 16-11-2016
Сообщений: 57
LinuxOpera 74.0

Конвертировать текст набаранный в неправильной раскладке

Нужен скрипт/прога, которая по заданной клавише будет конвертировать раскладку текущей строки. И ещё по ctrl переключать языки.

Хто ты гэткі?

Вне форума

#2 12-03-2021 20:56:44

LinuxChrome 88.0

Re: Конвертировать текст набаранный в неправильной раскладке


#3 23-04-2021 11:32:56

Откуда: N-sk 54.93, 82.89
Здесь с 04-12-2017
Сообщений: 138
UbuntuFirefox 78.0

Re: Конвертировать текст набаранный в неправильной раскладке

А чем не устраивает Xneur(это сама прога) + GXneur (это гуй)?
всё отлично работает, да и "не забыта/заброшена" эта тулза,
вот ссыль на гитхаб (Андрей Кузнецов  - это автор проги)
да она есть и в репах дебьяна,минта и бубунты .
про другие дистры не скажу.
переключать расскладку по Ctrl ? ты серьёзно?  так не надо - зайпёшься )))
у меня настроено так:
CapsLock - смена языка/расскладки En/Ru (это настроено в системе, в Xneur это не задействовал  - оставил пустое поле).
Ctrl_R - корекция т.е.  смена языка выделенного текста на другую расскладку/язык.
Pause Break - смена последнего введённого слова.
остальное не использую - всё отключено,  автоматическим режимом тоже не пользуюсь,
в хомяке  ~/.xneur/xneurrc , я держу конфиг только как копию и закидываю сразу в /etc
вот он :

# It's a X Neural Switcher configuration file by XNeur
# All values writted XNeur

# Config version
Version 0.20.0

# Work in manual mode
ManualMode Yes

# Level of messages program will write to output
#LogLevel Error
#LogLevel Warning
#LogLevel Log
#LogLevel Debug
#LogLevel Trace
LogLevel Warning

# Word Delimeters
#Delimeter space
Delimeter space

# Define unused languages
# Example:
#ExcludeLanguage de

# Define initial keyboard layout for all new applications
DefaultXkbGroup 0

# Add Applications names to exclude it from procces with xneur
# Xneur will not process the input for this applications
# Example:
#ExcludeApp Gaim
ExcludeApp Krdc
ExcludeApp Palimpsest
ExcludeApp Remmina
ExcludeApp VirtualBox
ExcludeApp Wine
ExcludeApp Xfdesktop
ExcludeApp rdesktop

# Use this parameter to force set work mode in current application to Auto.
# Example:
#SetAutoApp Gedit

# Use this parameter to force set work mode in current application to Manual.
# Example:
#SetManualApp Anjuta

# Binds hotkeys for some actions
AddBind ChangeWord Break
AddBind TranslitWord 
AddBind ChangecaseWord 
AddBind PreviewChangeWord 
AddBind ChangeString 
AddBind ChangeSelected Control_R
AddBind TranslitSelected 
AddBind ChangecaseSelected Shift_R
AddBind PreviewChangeSelected 
AddBind ChangeClipboard 
AddBind TranslitClipboard 
AddBind ChangecaseClipboard 
AddBind PreviewChangeClipboard 
AddBind EnableLayout1 
AddBind EnableLayout2 
AddBind EnableLayout3 
AddBind EnableLayout4 
AddBind RotateLayout 
AddBind RotateLayoutBack 
AddBind ReplaceAbbreviation 
AddBind AutocompletionConfirmation 
AddBind RotateAutocompletion 
AddBind InsertDate 

# This option add user action when pressed key bind
# Example:
#AddAction Control Alt f Firefox Browser <cmd>firefox</cmd>

# Word Replacing
# Ignore keyboard layout for abbreviations list
# Example:
#ReplaceAbbreviationIgnoreLayout No
ReplaceAbbreviationIgnoreLayout No

# Abbreviations list
# Example:
#ReplaceAbbreviation xneur X Neural Switcher

# This option enable or disable sound playing
# Example:
#PlaySounds No
PlaySounds Yes

# This option defined sound playing volume percent
# Example:
#SoundVolumePercent 10
SoundVolumePercent 15

# Binds sounds for some actions
AddSound XneurStart 
AddSound XneurReload 
AddSound XneurStop 
AddSound PressKeyLayout1 Enable /usr/share/xneur/sounds/layout1type.wav
AddSound PressKeyLayout2 Enable /usr/share/xneur/sounds/layout2type.wav
AddSound PressKeyLayout3 
AddSound PressKeyLayout4 
AddSound EnableLayout1 
AddSound EnableLayout2 
AddSound EnableLayout3 
AddSound EnableLayout4 
AddSound AutomaticChangeWord Enable /usr/share/xneur/sounds/itemback.wav
AddSound ManualChangeWord 
AddSound ManualTranslitWord 
AddSound ManualChangecaseWord 
AddSound ManualPreviewChangeWord 
AddSound ChangeString 
AddSound ChangeSelected 
AddSound TranslitSelected 
AddSound ChangecaseSelected 
AddSound PreviewChangeSelected Disable 
AddSound ChangeClipboard 
AddSound TranslitClipboard 
AddSound ChangecaseClipboard 
AddSound PreviewChangeClipboard Disable 
AddSound ReplaceAbbreviation Disable /usr/share/xneur/sounds/switch.wav
AddSound CorrectIncidentalCaps 
AddSound CorrectTwoCapitalLetter 
AddSound CorrectTwoSpaceWithCommaAndSpace 
AddSound CorrectTwoMinusWithDash 
AddSound CorrectCWithCopyright 
AddSound CorrectTMWithTrademark 
AddSound CorrectRWithRegistered 
AddSound CorrectThreePointsWithEllipsis 
AddSound CorrectMisprint 
AddSound ExecuteUserAction Enable 
AddSound UnblockKeyboardAndMouseEvents 

# This option enable or disable self education of xneur
# Example:
#EducationMode No
EducationMode No

# This option enable or disable checking similar words in heuristics
# Example:
#CheckSimilarWords No
CheckSimilarWords No

# This option enable or disable layout remember for each window
# Example:
#LayoutRememberMode No
LayoutRememberMode No

# Use this parameter to force enable layout remember for each application, not window.
# Option "LayoutRememberMode" must be enabled.
# Example:
#LayoutRememberModeForApp Gaim

# This option enable or disable saving selection text
# Example:
#SaveSelectionMode No
SaveSelectionMode Yes

# This option enable or disable rotating layout after convert selected text
# Example:
#RotateLayoutAfterChangeSelectedMode No
RotateLayoutAfterChangeSelectedMode No

# Add Applications names to include it to delay sending process
# Xneur will be delay KeyPress and KeyRelease events for this applications
# Example:
#DelaySendingEventApp Firefox

# This option define delay before sendind events to application (in milliseconds between 0 to 50).
SendDelay 0

# This option enable or disable logging keyboard
# Example:
#LogSave No
LogSave No

# This option set max size of log file (bytes).
# Example:
#LogSize 1048576
LogSize 1048576

# This option define e-mail for send log file, if it's size greater then max size.
# Example:
#LogMail your.mail@your.server.com

# This option define host to send e-mail without login and password.
# Example:
#LogHostIP mail.example.com

# This option define port to send e-mail without login and password.
# Example:
#LogPort 25
LogPort 25

# This option enable or disable correction of iNCIDENTAL CapsLock
# Example:
#CorrectIncidentalCaps Yes
CorrectIncidentalCaps No

# This option enable or disable correction of two CApital letter
# Example:
#CorrectTwoCapitalLetter Yes
CorrectTwoCapitalLetter No

# This option enable or disable correction of small letter to capital letter after dot
# Example:
#CorrectCapitalLetterAfterDot Yes
CorrectCapitalLetterAfterDot No

# This option enable or disable correction of two space with a comma and a space
# Example:
#CorrectTwoSpaceWithCommaAndSpace Yes
CorrectTwoSpaceWithCommaAndSpace No

# This option enable or disable correction of two minus with a dash
# Example:
#CorrectTwoMinusWithDash Yes
CorrectTwoMinusWithDash No

# This option enable or disable correction of two minus with a emdash
# Example:
#CorrectDashWithEmDash Yes
CorrectDashWithEmDash No

# This option enable or disable correction of (c) with a copyright sign
# Example:
#CorrectCWithCopyright Yes
CorrectCWithCopyright No

# This option enable or disable correction of (tm) with a trademark sign
# Example:
#CorrectTMWithTrademark Yes
CorrectTMWithTrademark No

# This option enable or disable correction of (r) with a registered sign
# Example:
#CorrectRWithRegistered Yes
CorrectRWithRegistered No

# This option enable or disable correction of three points with a ellipsis sign
# Example:
#CorrectThreePointsWithEllipsis Yes
CorrectThreePointsWithEllipsis No

# This option enable or disable correction of mispints
# Example:
#CorrectMisprint Yes
CorrectMisprint No

# This option enable or disable flushing internal buffer when pressed Escape
# Example:
#FlushBufferWhenPressEscape Yes
FlushBufferWhenPressEscape Yes

# This option enable or disable flushing internal buffer when pressed Enter or Tab
# Example:
#FlushBufferWhenPressEnter Yes
FlushBufferWhenPressEnter Yes

# This option disable or enable show OSD
# Example:
#ShowOSD Yes
ShowOSD No

# This option set font for OSD
# Example:
#FontOSD -*-*-*-*-*-*-32-*-*-*-*-*-*-u
FontOSD -*-*-*-*-*-*-32-*-*-*-*-*-*-u

# Binds OSDs for some actions
AddOSD XneurStart Enable X Neural Switcher started
AddOSD XneurReload Enable X Neural Switcher restarted
AddOSD XneurStop Enable X Neural Switcher stopped
AddOSD PressKeyLayout1
AddOSD PressKeyLayout2
AddOSD PressKeyLayout3
AddOSD PressKeyLayout4
AddOSD EnableLayout1
AddOSD EnableLayout2
AddOSD EnableLayout3
AddOSD EnableLayout4
AddOSD AutomaticChangeWord
AddOSD ManualChangeWord
AddOSD ManualTranslitWord
AddOSD ManualChangecaseWord
AddOSD ManualPreviewChangeWord
AddOSD ChangeString
AddOSD ChangeSelected
AddOSD TranslitSelected
AddOSD ChangecaseSelected
AddOSD PreviewChangeSelected
AddOSD ChangeClipboard
AddOSD TranslitClipboard
AddOSD ChangecaseClipboard
AddOSD PreviewChangeClipboard
AddOSD ReplaceAbbreviation
AddOSD CorrectIncidentalCaps
AddOSD CorrectTwoCapitalLetter
AddOSD CorrectTwoSpaceWithCommaAndSpace
AddOSD CorrectTwoMinusWithDash
AddOSD CorrectCWithCopyright
AddOSD CorrectTMWithTrademark
AddOSD CorrectRWithRegistered
AddOSD CorrectThreePointsWithEllipsis
AddOSD CorrectMisprint
AddOSD ExecuteUserAction Enable Running command
AddOSD UnblockKeyboardAndMouseEvents

# This option disable or enable show popup messages
# Example:
#ShowPopup Yes
ShowPopup Yes

# This option defines popup expiration interval in milliseconds
# Example:
#PopupExpireTimeout 1000
PopupExpireTimeout 1000

# Binds popup messages for some actions
AddPopup XneurStart Enable X Neural Switcher started
AddPopup XneurReload Enable X Neural Switcher restarted
AddPopup XneurStop Enable X Neural Switcher stopped
AddPopup PressKeyLayout1
AddPopup PressKeyLayout2
AddPopup PressKeyLayout3
AddPopup PressKeyLayout4
AddPopup EnableLayout1
AddPopup EnableLayout2
AddPopup EnableLayout3
AddPopup EnableLayout4
AddPopup AutomaticChangeWord
AddPopup ManualChangeWord
AddPopup ManualTranslitWord
AddPopup ManualChangecaseWord
AddPopup ManualPreviewChangeWord
AddPopup ChangeString
AddPopup ChangeSelected
AddPopup TranslitSelected
AddPopup ChangecaseSelected
AddPopup PreviewChangeSelected Disable Preview selected text correction
AddPopup ChangeClipboard
AddPopup TranslitClipboard
AddPopup ChangecaseClipboard
AddPopup PreviewChangeClipboard Disable Preview clipboard text correction
AddPopup ReplaceAbbreviation
AddPopup CorrectIncidentalCaps
AddPopup CorrectTwoCapitalLetter
AddPopup CorrectTwoSpaceWithCommaAndSpace
AddPopup CorrectTwoMinusWithDash
AddPopup CorrectCWithCopyright
AddPopup CorrectTMWithTrademark
AddPopup CorrectRWithRegistered
AddPopup CorrectThreePointsWithEllipsis
AddPopup CorrectMisprint
AddPopup ExecuteUserAction Enable Running command
AddPopup UnblockKeyboardAndMouseEvents

# This option disable or enable checking language on input process
# Example:
#CheckOnProcess Yes
CheckOnProcess Yes

# This option disable or enable CapsLock use
# Example:
#DisableCapsLock Yes
DisableCapsLock No

# This option disable or enable correction spaces befor punctuation
# Example:
#CorrectSpaceWithPunctuation No
CorrectSpaceWithPunctuation No

# This option disable or enable pattern mining and recognition (autocompletion)
# Example:
#Autocompletion No
Autocompletion No

# This option disable or enable adding space after autocompletion
# Example:
#AddSpaceAfterAutocompletion No
AddSpaceAfterAutocompletion Yes

# Add Applications names to exclude it from autocompletion process
# Xneur will not process the autocompletion for this applications
# Example:
#AutocompletionExcludeApp Gnome-terminal
AutocompletionExcludeApp mate-terminal

# Use next options for troubleshoot on autoswitching
# Disable autoswitching if pressed backspace
TroubleshootBackspace Yes
# Disable autoswitching if pressed left arrow
TroubleshootLeftArrow Yes
# Disable autoswitching if pressed right arrow
TroubleshootRightArrow Yes
# Disable autoswitching if pressed up arrow
TroubleshootUpArrow Yes
# Disable autoswitching if pressed down arrow
TroubleshootDownArrow Yes
# Disable autoswitching if pressed delete
TroubleshootDelete Yes
# Disable autoswitching if pressed enter
TroubleshootEnter Yes
# Disable autoswitching if pressed tab
TroubleshootTab Yes
# Disable autoswitching if layout switched
TroubleshootSwitch Yes
# Disable autoswitching for full screen apps
TroubleshootFullScreen Yes

# Add Applications names to exclude it from sending KeyRelease process
# Xneur will not send KeyRelease events for this applications
# Example:
#SetDontSendKeyReleaseApp libreoffice-writer

# Work-arround for compatibility with the completion
CompatibilityWithCompletion Yes

# Disabling this option will add any application to the list of excluded applications.
TrackingInput Yes

# Disabling this option will disable mouse tracking.
TrackingMouse Yes

# Modules list
# Example:
#LoadModule libxntest.so

# That's all

как то так smile

Отредактировано svm (23-04-2021 12:18:54)

Умный поймёт , а дураку и так всё равно.

Вне форума

#4 06-06-2021 05:59:30

Вова Исайкин
LinuxFirefox 89.0

Re: Конвертировать текст набаранный в неправильной раскладке

Тем, что xneur содержит вполне качественный бэкдор от спецслужб, такой что каждый сайт в сети может читать то, что печатаете на компьютере при открытом браузере. Не используйте эту гнилую программу.

#5 06-06-2021 07:23:05

Вова Исайкин
LinuxFirefox 89.0

Re: Конвертировать текст набаранный в неправильной раскладке

Да не слушайте вы этого спецслужбистского анонимного педераста @svm

#6 04-02-2022 21:37:47

Здесь с 16-11-2016
Сообщений: 57
LinuxFirefox 96.0

Re: Конвертировать текст набаранный в неправильной раскладке

svm пишет:

А чем не устраивает Xneur

Тем что он умер.

Хто ты гэткі?

Вне форума

#7 07-02-2022 14:22:01

LinuxChrome 97.0

Re: Конвертировать текст набаранный в неправильной раскладке

скрипт на питоне: https://mikhailvinakov.blogspot.com/201 … er-ru.html
скрипты на баше: https://forum.ubuntu.ru/index.php?topic=271377.0
можно подредактировать так, как нужно.

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